Co2 ER70S-6 welding wire best price
Категория:металлы и минералы / продукты переработки нерудных минераловНаписать по поводу товара
Zhangqiu ,Jinan,Shandong,China.We are a intergrating R & D and sales of welding materials and service, such as Co2 mild steel welding wires, flux cored wires,submerged arc welding wires,argon arc welding wires,stainless steel welding wires,high strength welding wire,and welding equipments.The engineering products that we offer are dimensionally accurate and are known for their high reliability and durability. These products can be availed in various grades and dimensions as per the requirement of the clients.The offered range is designed with high precision in order to meet the international quality standards. Our Main product: tungsten electrode, electrode rod, TIG Tunsten electrode, WT20, WC20,WP, WY20, black tungsten electrode 800-100mm
zander welding industry Welding Consumables Professional Factory
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